Friday 10 October 2014

Tamana Caves

The Tamana Caves hike is a hike that you will never forget. The hike starts off in the late afternoon in the Tamana Village which is located south of Sangre Grande, Trinidad. The hike is rated a “3” or moderate in complexity and is estimated to take 1.45 hours one way and a total distance of 4 miles. A steady climb uphill is necessary to arrive at the apex of Mount Tamana. The pictographic views of the Northern Range and the Central Plain will be seen as you stand at an altitude of 750 feet at Mount Tamana. At sunset you descend downhill to the caves for an amazing experience. As darkness creeps up, the main reason for the expedition comes alive, with the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of bats from the caves. The caves interior is composed of calcium carbonate which makes perfect conditions for the bats. An estimated population of 1.5 million bats of 12 different species inhabits the Tamana Caves. This makes Trinidad the largest colony in the Caribbean and the second largest in the world next to Mexico.


  1. Tamana caves is also awesome. Have you ever been down the islands and checked out gasparee caves?

  2. Yes but I think they are both beautiful.

  3. Great place. Look like a very adventurous hike.
