Monday 13 October 2014

Paragon Bay-Paramin

Paragon Bay is rated a “7” as it is a challenging hike with a distance of 5.5 miles and which can take up to 6 hours round trip to complete. The hike starts off on the concrete Fond Pois Doux Road in Paramin which offers panoramic views of Port of Spain, Maraval and the Caribbean Sea. The road goes downhill steeply before you plunge into the pristine forest until you reach the base of the hill, Paragon Bay; a relatively sheltered, quaint, untouched bay perfect for a soak in the waters. After a quick dip, you prepare yourself to return uphill, a series of steep hills that steals the breath from most hikers until you reach back to the top. Paragon Bay is definitely a challenge for any hiker.


  1. looks real nice i guess you can pick seasoning too paramin known for the seasonings, lol according to Royal Castle!!!!!

  2. It is truly a beautiful place. I want to visit there soon. I will contact you.
