Friday 10 October 2014

El Tucuche

Hiking to El Tucuche is indeed a heartwarming experience where the views are quite panoramic. El Tucuche being the second highest mountain in the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago is rated a “7” as it is quite challenging. The hike has a distance of 6 miles one way and takes about 3.5 hours one way to get to the destination. The trail is quite precipitous for the most parts and during the strenuous climb to the top through the lush green and pristine rain-forest, you may see a variety of monkeys, lizards, frogs and other small mammals. Once you have mastered the undulating terrain and have reached the top of the mountain you will be rewarded with stunning views of Las Cuevas Bay, the Central Plain and the Southern Range. 


  1. This is a crazy hike. Almost got lost at one point though

  2. looks at that view worth the pain
