Tuesday 30 December 2014

Benefits of Hiking

Hiking is an activity that creates many rewards for those that engage in it. Though many would see hiking as simply a tiring sport, one must understand the benefits associated with hiking. Hiking is a great way for socializing as well as for maintaining your health.
Health & Fitness Benefits:
§  Improved cardio-respiratory fitness (heart, lungs, blood vessels) 
§Improved muscular fitness
§  Lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
§  Lower risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
§  Lower risk of high cholesterol and triglycerides
§  Lower risk of colon and breast cancer, and possibly lung and endometrial cancer
§  Increased bone density or a slower loss of density
§  Reduced depression and better quality sleep
§  Lower risk of early death (If you are active for 7 hours a week, your risk of dying early is 40% lower than someone active for less than 30 minutes a week.)

§  Weight control; hiking burns up 370 calories an hour (154-lb person)

Social Benefits:

§Hiking is a great extra-curricular activity that fosters a social atmosphere where friendships are strengthened and even developed.
§Persons that hike also benefit from a cleaner and much relaxing atmosphere rewarded with picturesque scenery (flora and fauna). 
§Hikers also get to experience new sites and attractions that non-hikers won't. 


  1. Yes Hiking has been proven to be very good at preventing known illnesses.

  2. I met my best friend at a hike in 2007. It definitely can be a good way to meet like-minded people.

  3. I consider it to be the best recreational activity for athletics or fitness junkies like myself. Gives you both exercise and enjoyment at the same time.

  4. it is a good form exercise and not boring like using equipment
